Saturday, September 24, 2011

Me in Singapore!! / Saya di Singapura!!

Hi, guys! I'm making another post because I'm in the mood for posting. This one is about when I'm coming to Japan and having a transit in Singapore for 1 night only. So, packed your bag 'cause we're going to Singapore!!! ^^ Halo teman-teman! Aku membuat banyak post akhir-akhir ini karena aku lagi mood untuk buat post. Yang satu ini adalah ketika saya ingin pergi ke Jepang dan transit di Singapura. Jadi, siapkan tas kalian karena kita akan terbang ke Singapur!! ^^
When I first arrived at Singapore's Airport I already in love with it!! There's free internet, butterfly garden, all sort of flowers garden, FREE 3D games and cinema, the longest slide at the airport and all of it is in the airport. I really hope that we could just stay there, but my mom already book the hotel D: . But, it's not really problem for me! Saat pertama kali aku masuk ke bandara Singapur aku langsung jatuh cuinta sama bandaranya!! Di dalam bandara itu ada internet gratis, kebun kupu-kupu, berbagai kebun bunga, games dan bioskop 3D GRATIS, seluncuran terpanjang di dalam bandara. Aku sangat berharap bisa menginap di bandaranya saja, tapi ibuku sudah nge-book sebuah hotel D: . Tapi sebenarnya gx terlalu masalah untuk aku sih!!
After we put our luggage in the hotel, we're rushing to go to the Merlion. It was bigger than I expected! Setelah kita sudah menaruh barang-barang kita di hotel kita pun langsung buru-buru pergi ke Merlion. Ternyata Merlion lebih besar daripada yang kukira!
Then we go for a tour in the river by a boat, it was kinda' fun! The tour is about one and a half hour. Lalu, kita pun mengikuti tur di sungai tersebut dengan perahu! Turnya berjalan sekitar satu setengah jam.
We went through a mall while we're in the tour. And I think there's a celebration or something, because I saw this huge temple replica floating on the water. Kita melewati mall ketika sedang melakukan tur. Dan kayaknya ada sebuah peryaan deh, soalnya ada kayak replika kuil besar mengambang di atas permukaan air.
After the tour is finish we went to the Singapore's Flyer. There went to the biggest ferris wheel in Singapore! The view was sooooo amazing!! Setelah turnya selesai, kita pergi ke Singapore's Flyer . Di sana kita menaiki Ferris Wheel terbesr di Singapur! Pemandangannya indahhhh sekali!!
And that's the story the next morning went to the airport to catch our flight. We'll miss you Singapore!! Dan itulah ceritanya keesokan paginya kita datang ke bandara untuk mengejar pesawat kita. Kita akan kangen Singapura!!!